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Registered: 07-02-2008 Location:
posted on 07-02-2008 at 00:30 |
Tell who it is familiar with Yna? This woman searches for men only for the sake of money.
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Registered: 07-03-2008 Location:
posted on 07-04-2008 at 00:18 |
Yana from Stavropol???
Pardon for my english.
Are You mean Yana from Stavropol?
I known one Yana , she came to me 1 or 1,5 years ago. All was been its ok 2 weeks (she love me...) but after she said i old for her (i am older her 22) .
P.s. 2 weeks i spend 5000 euro only for her clothes.
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-25-2008 Location:
posted on 08-25-2008 at 12:54 |
Yana Barnash
'Tell who it is familiar with Yna? This woman searches for men only for the sake of money.
Hello Daniel,
I am Yana Barnash and live in Stavropol city. Why you do not want to contact me and ask me what I look for?
Posts: 2
Registered: 08-25-2008 Location:
posted on 08-25-2008 at 13:06 |
Yana Barnash
Hello Paolo,
why you lie? I do not know you. I have never met you in person and you have never spent 5000 euro for my clothes. Please do not lie.
Posts: 2
Registered: 11-09-2008 Location: London
posted on 11-09-2008 at 06:29 |
Hi, I'm the Web Master at Sceptred-Isle.com (http://www.sceptred-isle.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl), which is an umbrella for a large collection of private discussion boards, arguably the largest in the UK.
I can attest that Yana is real and is sincere.
Posts: 1
Registered: 11-18-2008 Location:
posted on 11-18-2008 at 09:57 |
Hi I know Yana too she is NOT a scammer... She is honest and real and these idiots who have launched a personal vendetta against her are we wasting their time. You can spot scammers a mile away...she aint one... So whatever you have against her take it up with her personally if you actually do know her (but I suspect that you actually dont) and stop bad mouthing her on this and other scam sites...She is looking for something genuine so stop ruining a genuine girls's chances. Bob
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Registered: 10-16-2002 Location:
posted on 11-24-2008 at 08:18 |
dont be a fool
Bob, I think you are a fool, the best scammers are the ones who build trust. I have dealt in this industry for 15 years, and if this many guys says she is a scammer, I would bet 100% she is. Every time some guy comes and says, " no, no she is not a scammer she is a good girl." And the women always has some reason why she is unjustly listed. SO far I have not see this to be ever true. a few months later guy calls back and says yes she is scammer. Don't be fooled by these tricky women or you will just be another victim and to them another sucker. I beet you have not met this women in person yet.
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Registered: 12-04-2008 Location:
posted on 12-04-2008 at 12:52 |
Sorry had to create new username since I could not retrieve password for the other one
Actually Ken I have met her... known her for a long time and unless she is going to start to scam me after more than 18 months when she has not done anything so far I dont think it will happen ;)
If Daniel or Paolo or whoever these men are who have "met" her and been scammed by her would like to contact me then we can establish for real what the truth is.
She has met some men before but not by these names.
I am prepared to defend her since I know her very well....have met her and all was and is still good.
These guys are not using their real names since Yana does not know them...
As I said contact me here...present your evidence...and if you can prove you have spent money on her I will repay you personally myself.
I am prepared to put my money where my mouth is. Dan and Paolo are you ?
If you are real you will present the evidence and its 5000.00 euros we are talking about so come and lets see what you have.
Paolo and Daniel will now probably disappear into the internet mist as they genuinely have nothing really substantial to say.
Lets see shall we ?
Come on guys..lets see what you got to say apart from unsubstantiated claims ?
Posts: 2
Registered: 12-04-2008 Location:
posted on 12-04-2008 at 13:04 |
Yana yet again
Oh one more things anyone want my contact details..they can have them as long as they give me theirs in return... I have used a pseudonym here. I have nothing to hide and am open about it... I can be verified on the web and some news bulletins on Reuters, CNBC and Wall Street Journal with photos etc...I run an IT and web businesses in 4 different countries including Ukraine so I can spot a scammer miles away...been there done that ...lost the money Is easy to do if you are not keeping guard.
I can be reference and verified by many people as I am known in the IT world especially in the UK.
Daniel and Paolo can you be be verified too ?
Ken you are saying this many men have said she is a scammer...Its only 2 men I can see here ? You have others ...lets see them please ?
Posts: 2
Registered: 11-09-2008 Location: London
posted on 12-30-2008 at 03:43 |
Check the IP addresses of daniel, maro, et al...
You'll find they are the same person who is posting from Saint Petersburg, and is in fact, a jealous female.
And yes, regarding the above photo, Yana's hot. And more power to her!
Posts: 1
Registered: 02-06-2009 Location:
posted on 02-06-2009 at 02:10 |
Get Together
Hi guys,
There is an inconceivable amount of reasons that can be responsible for the breakup of two individuals. Steps can be taken in the process of making and ex want to get back together with you. Thanks
Posts: 3
Registered: 10-04-2009 Location:
posted on 10-04-2009 at 21:16 |
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Registered: 10-04-2009 Location:
posted on 10-04-2009 at 21:26 |
I have met Yana
To Whom Ever..... First my Mother and Father raised me.... to not say things that are not nice... be the better person... etc. etc.
So if you meet a beautiful women and she is as wonderful as Yana... You are a very lucky person to start.... and i have met Yana...and she is not anything but....i wonderful...sincere...and caring woman... yes she is Russian...and Yes she does speak her mind.... but she is an Amazing person....and i am so Happy to have a chance to know someone like Yana... and if the guy above only spent 5000 Euro's then you should have spent more for she is worth alot more just for her friendship... so to end this... lets just say if you give someone money or love....or what ever.... do not put a price tag on it.... for if you do... your a person that deserves his or her money taken...
Happiness to All James from Texas :-)
Posts: 3
Registered: 10-04-2009 Location:
posted on 10-04-2009 at 21:29 |
and...Yana is...
And by the way....Yana is even more beautiful than the picture above... i swear... sorry to say but it is true... she is a timeless beauty...
James from Texas!!
Posts: 5
Registered: 07-31-2011 Location:
posted on 07-31-2011 at 21:56 |
I benefit a lot from this post ,thanks !
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Registered: 11-13-2012 Location:
posted on 11-13-2012 at 11:20 |
Yana Barnash being written about on this site.
I am David from the Angelika Network. Yana was a client of our before she got married. I know of several men that have met her in person. I can attest many were rich and powerful and got nowhere with her. I can also attest that in the use of our agency she was exceptionally proper during all her interactions with our clients.
There are SEVERAL sites that are using her photos and bio and through this identity theft ARE DEFRAUDING MEN. Please note Yana Barnash has been married and yet lots of very popular sites continue to sell and use her information, write letters for her and so on.
She recently sent me this link,
You guy should be ashamed of yourselves, and you give the rest of us a bad name. You never bought her $5000 in clothes, hell you don't have $5000 you sill troll.
Cheers to those that chimed in to say Yana was not behind fraud. I think that in at least 8 years of knowing her, I can say with confidence she is not behind any fraud.
Kind regards,
Junior Member
Posts: 17
Registered: 04-29-2010 Location:
posted on 11-20-2012 at 11:57 |
wow this is not good, sorry to hear about these problems I hope somebody takes care of this
Posts: 1
Registered: 12-02-2012 Location:
posted on 12-02-2012 at 03:46 |
Yana from Stavropol pls take care
I am the current and 2nd husband of Yana.
I am still married to her also I have already filed for divorce in July 2012.
I was probably also so naive like David in the beginning of our marriage, when I realized that my wife was roughly in hundreds of dating sites for years, although she was still married to her first husband (Russian, i know him, nice guy), I still engaged even lawyers to get her profile from the Internet.
Of course every man likes to fulfill wishes of his spouse by buying designer hand bags, designer clothes, Porsche 911 turbo car, ...,
But after our daughter was born she even accelerated to press money out of me, like I should by a new apartment for her in Stavropol or 4ct diamond ring, ....
Of course only out of LOVE :D. Then I realized that she is ready to do everything for the SAKE OF MONEY.
This is not fun at all, she kidnapped our 18 months daughter and moved her to Yana’s “environment” where her mother lives together with a man who is married with another woman on an income base of 400 USD per month in a 46 sqm flat. In this flat together she brought my daughter without my consent and is trying to deprive my daughter from me even with force.
Yana is working under different profiles not only for Angelika but also for other dating sites by sending letters and pre-fabricated responses and so collecting some 180 to 200 USD per month (1 USD for a response letter, .. for a chat, and so on..). I remember she made even a fun out of this response letters, when I told her to stop this unethical business during our marriage.
I saw her profile initially on the Angelika site, we chatted, exchanged numbers, I was asked from her to transfer to her 4’500 Euros for a ticket and visa for meeting her in Europe. I was stupid enough to accept it, we met, had a good time, and met again, of course I paid her all tickets. She always told me with me it is different because she loves me but once I decided to stop her feeding she showed her real face. In the meanwhile, she contacted two of her former “lovers” “sponsors” for sending her money. In one case she was close to destruct the marriage of the Italian guy, as his wife (also Russian became aware of her new attempt). Yana and even her mother are well known for this behavior in the whole Stavropol region.
Now I have to rescue my daughter. David, don’t get fooled by my wife, the only reason why she is using you, is because she wants to restart her “business” again.
Be aware and don’t make the same mistakes like me, it is not only the money, it is the heart, soul and finally an innocent young person suffering.
Kind regards,
Junior Member
Posts: 17
Registered: 04-29-2010 Location:
posted on 12-07-2012 at 09:28 |
that's horrible
Herald its painful to read your story and there is nothing we could do now to help or change things but i'd like to you know that nobody should be treated the way you were and I hope you can move past it and avoid letting that experience dampen your search for someone, best of luck
Posts: 1
Registered: 02-23-2013 Location: Dubai
posted on 02-23-2013 at 12:06 |
Is sad is it not
Sorrys so sad for your info
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Registered: 02-25-2013 Location:
posted on 02-25-2013 at 13:02 |
Harald Karch, Harald Karch
Please respect the freedom of expression provided no disrespect.
Thank you very much. Do not delete this comment.
Hi after following for some years the history of Mr. Called Harald Karch and that once we were friends (convenience).
This Mr. Dice and is presented as a millionaire in a Russian TV show, and I want to disprove that statement, because this guy is just mentally ill, which is invented that or any other story wing that can get some money . In his day he had a company that billed for a commission, which few dollars spent on vices. Delos which I will not comment. In all this there is no evidence to defame invent, and I have no interest, but I'm tired of seeing this man treats people, because this girl is not the first victim and I do not mean to be a holy, not least because I do not know.
I have been a customer of one of his companies, which we cheated and swindled us other things beside the point.
This man has multiple personality problems, if it is normal your father and mother also has and has had. Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality) and (Liar Complusivo)
Dissociative identity disorder, formerly called multiple personality disorder, is the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own pattern and relatively persistent perception, interaction and understanding of the environment and of itself). At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently control individual behavior.
Dissociation is a state in which a person is removed from reality. The person with a dissociative identity disorder is unable to remember important personal information because it is about events that have occurred when one of the identities had control.
It is a disorder that appears in childhood, never in adulthood, but persists throughout adulthood.
Everybody lies, because everyone has secrets! It's human nature. Everyone is at some point of time in their lives, for one reason or another. Some people are out of guilt, to save time, some of desperation, but there are some that are for any reason other than the usual! These are the victims of compulsive lying syndrome.
There is a difference between compulsive liar and pathological liar syndrome. Pathological liars are, with malicious intent, as they have to manipulate people for their own selfish purposes. Pathological liars know why they are lying, while compulsive liars are out of habit. For them, lying becomes a habit, it becomes almost second nature.
Once a compulsive liar lies out of habit, you have to fabricate a lie to cover the previous one. Over time, they have to create a web of lies to support the above. Here's how compulsive liars syndrome traps the victim in a vicious circle of lies.
People affected with compulsive lying and lying big lie, for no apparent reason, sometimes. Do not you realize that they are lying, until you spend a considerable period of time with him or her. Over time, to recognize the inconsistencies in the data being shared with you. The surprising thing is that the person continues to lie, even when he / she realizes that you see through it!
This man named Harald Karch meets all requirements.
When pushed to clarify their lies or try to investigate, they lose their temper and can emotionally blackmail to stop him.
People afflicted with obsessive compulsive lying, are impulsive by nature. Their impulsivity leads them to make a lot of mistakes, which once again try to cover up through lies.
The delay and broken promises:
People affected with compulsive lying syndrome known to be delinquent and therefore often fail to meet commitments.
Low Self-Esteem:
These people generally have a low opinion of themselves and suffer from inferiority complex. Low self-esteem leads them to lie, to increase their value in the eyes of others.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
This is a disorder that affects children, making it difficult for them to learn. ADHD causes problems that make them doubt their abilities. To defend you start lying, which eventually becomes a habit.
Personality Disorders:
A person may be affected by some personality disorders like narcissistic personality disorder, which can lead to repeated lying.
Bipolar Disorder:
People affected with compulsive liar disorder often suffer from bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder causes to enter periods of mania, when they become highly impulsive, risk-seeking and can lie with ease.
A person who is addicted to gambling, alcohol, drugs or any other indulgence, may resort to lies, you can become a habit.
The inability to face reality:
This is probably the most important cause behind this syndrome. These people are not mentally prepared to accept the reality and accept what they are and it is. They create a fantasy world based on lies, which acts as a barrier that protects them from facing reality. The fantasy world is so strengthened in his mind, that lying becomes second nature.
This man named Harald Karch is popular luxury prostitutes, before being with this lady who is now his wife, had physically and mentally abused other victims, in different countries in which he frequented, but it happens that one of the victims was also a Russian girl, whom maltreatment and abuse, and then blame her for everything and the way to be a victim again.
I know that sometimes assumed that women paid their expenses, such as hotels and flights, sometimes showed the plane tickets, her lovers allegedly paid him.
Evidence and allegations of police stations in different countries, including those countries that, Switzerland, Russia and Germany. Complaints brought by several of his wives, I think this is further evidence of the kind of character that this man, called Harald Karch, want to make clear that this is not history, there are government agencies and some other sentence, which may demonstrate this here account.
This man called Harald Karch says the buy apartments, cars and jewelry for these girls, lying again, he has no money, he owes money to many people known to me and many other investors who bet on their projects in the which promised great retalvilidad.
I personally challenge this scoundrel to submit a single document, payment or transfer of these poor, defenseless women, because what this man is smart, have to have a bank document transfer to the accounts of these girls. As it is possible to say that the payment of the apartments, whether paid or the lawyers themselves the same contract, and served him advice.
In his defense in Russia before his own divorce, having no money, also joined the single, imagine what kind of character is this Mr. Millionaire, called Harald Karkh.
Respect for their daughter as may attempt to claim custody of his daughter, if this man is ruined or not to live. No kitchen or a fried egg and is always with prostitutes. As a child trust such a person, who did not care about his own daughter, a billionaire who does not pass power to his daughter, knowing that his wife does not work. A character who hits and mistreats a woman and her daughter, also there are reports of this, which can be viewed on their own police units Stavropol.
Gentlemen readers, this guy is a bad person and an ungrateful, this character not only has problems with women also with clients and government agencies in several countries.
I hope that his sentence be fulfilled here mentioned, for this character in his commentary.
(These are the facts. Hopefully, the truth finally comes to light, but, unfortunately, always takes longer).
Please respect the freedom of expression provided no disrespect.
Thank you very much.
Posts: 71
Registered: 04-12-2013 Location:
posted on 04-16-2013 at 08:58 |
mail order bride risks and scams
This thread is upsetting to read, but it really shows why its important to do your research and be sure you are ready to move forward, dont rush into this. Make sure you are financially secure, have the time, and most of all, EDUCATE YOURSELF about common scams and ways women can take advantage of you. There is an abundance of informatioin you can find online about mail order bride scams, and you should really take the time to learn it before you go ahead with a tour or emails.
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